Unlock student potential,
expand college and career readiness.
We help public educators increase student participation in advanced courses,
improve school community belonging and set up better post-secondary outcomes.

Expand college and career
readiness by increasing access
to advanced courses
By the numbers: College Board Research shows that the largest predicted boost in college grades and on-time degree completion comes from moving a student from 0 to 1 AP course, and from 1 to 2 AP courses.
- Equal Opportunity Schools increases access to AP for all students by helping district and school leaders to identify more students for AP enrollment compared to traditional methods like test scores and GPA.
- Remove access barriers that every year exclude hundreds of thousands of capable students with the aptitude and attitude for advanced coursework.

See the whole student with
powerful data insights & tools
Insight gaps create access barriers: In fast-moving public schools, it’s almost impossible to understand hundreds or thousands of students’ aspirations, learning styles, mindset and specific school context.
But this lack of insight creates access barriers to the advanced courses that help prepare students for post-secondary pursuits.
EOS blends data sources to deliver insights that drive action including student insight cards that deliver a 360° view of a student by blending direct student survey feedback with traditional enrollment data, demographics and test scores.
Develop staff with tailored training
Public school teaching and counseling staff want to help students be successful, but they’re also challenged to simultaneously manage curriculum, tailor their approach to every student, and grow their careers.
Teaching staff tell us they want more solutions and training to help them support students and also grow professionally.
- Help staff become trusted adults that students feel comfortable talking to and receiving guidance from. We shine a light on who your trusted adults are and teach methods to help staff become trusted adults.
- Develop staff ability to tailor approaches for students by providing training and data that supports staff’s ability to see the whole student and helps them tailor their teaching and student engagement methods more effectively.
Powerful results, national impact
For over a decade, we’ve collaborated with districts, schools and teachers to deliver
data-driven insights, hands-on-training and powerful technology tools.
2 million+
Students surveyed
New students into
advanced courses
Increase in students
passing AP courses
Partner Schools
District Partners