Video: The Top Issues Shaping the 2024-25 School Year, and How EOS Helps Address Them

What are the most pressing issues shaping the 2024-25 school year for school and district leads?

We asked people across our team to share what they’ve heard from our partners in school districts across the country, and a few main topics emerged:

Chronic absenteeism.

Expanding college and career readiness.

Teacher support, development and retention.

In this video, members of our partnership team discuss these issues, and how EOS’ innovative ideas and solutions help our partners address them head-on.  

Interested in learning more? Join us for our webinar on September 26 to hear insight, strategies and solutions to these pressing issues from Jacqueline Greer and district leads from across the country.

RSVP here: The top challenges district educators are tackling this school year.