Get actionable 
insights into student and staff voice

Every child has unique aspirations, perspectives, and barriers that can impact post secondary success.  Understand them better with EOS.


See and understand the whole student

Better student and staff insights help district and school leaders to more effectively support college and career readiness.  
Plus understanding students better also helps leaders create and implement approaches that make school communities more positive and engaging.  With EOS’ insights pillar you get:

• A fall survey that delivers insight into student and staff voice.  
• Powerful data visualization with the Student Insight Card
• EOS Portal access lets you delve into district-wide student insights

A fall survey that delivers insight into student and staff voice

EOS partners closely with your team to refine and deploy a fall survey of students and staff.  Our partnership and technology teams help you through this process to get higher response rates to inform action plans.

This survey delivers valuable perspectives within your school communities including:

  • Students’ aspirations, mindsets and perceived barriers impacting their participation in advanced coursework.
  • The Trusted Adults that students see as best-suited to engage them around advanced courses and their postsecondary goals
  • Staff surveys identify students they recommend for advanced courses while also revealing adult mindsets and beliefs on which students can access rigorous courses.

Powerful data
visualization with the Student Insight Card

EOS combines survey insights with standard student data such as test scores and GPA to deliver a powerful way of visualizing student voice.

  • Our easy-to-use Portal lets you filter, group and share data in large formats to get perspectives district or school-wide.
  • Focus down to each student using Student Insight Cards (SICs). A favorite tool among partner schools, the SIC helps you quickly absorb critical information about each student and their readiness for advanced coursework.

Delve into district-wide student insights with the EOS Portal

Access multiple automated reports to track enrollment progress and make adjustments.

  • Use the Opportunity Chart to track advanced course enrollment by student group against your set goal, and use the data to easily identify gaps to close.
  • Reference the Fall Enrollment Capacity Analysis Chart to ensure space is available for students you encourage to participate.

See how districts and schools use EOS to deliver results


“The EOS Student Insight Card is a game-changer when it comes to promoting engagement between students and adults, especially students’ trusted adults. This tool puts information about students in the hands of our staff, and what students tell us about how they perceive our school is the most impactful data we can receive.  Their experience matters most, and it informs what we do to address climate and culture in our school.”

Che Carter
Principal – Ann Arbor Huron High School
Ann Arbor Public Schools (MI)

See how districts and schools use EOS to deliver results

Prince William County

Chicago Public Schools

Gwinnett County

I think with EOS, what it really did for our staff and students was changed how they took the approach to enrolling in advanced courses; removing just looking at prerequisites or what your grades are, what your GPA is, but really looking at your passion and your drive and what your plans are post secondary.

And I think that that's so important -- looking at the entire student way past your previous GPA, or behavior history, but really what are your goals as an individual? Where do you see yourself once you leave high school? And what can we do here to set the tone for you so that you can accomplish that; whether it's a four year university, two year, or trade school, we want to set you up on the best trajectory for that.

I think the EOS program pushes your thinking and challenges you to be a bit more creative in your approach to how you work with students, and how you get them to a level academically that they didn't feel that they could achieve. And it's great, because I've always been told you can use the same recipe, however, the way you change the outcome is the amount of energy, the love and the time you put into something, and I think EOS brings us to that energy, that time and love we put into educating our students."

Dr. Charmelle Ackins, Prince William County School VA

9% Increase

Expected participation rate change for students in advanced courses in Fall 2023

+1095 Students

Change in the number of students expected to participate in advanced courses in fall 2023

49% Conversion Rate

2,987 identified students expected to participate in advanced courses in Fall 2023

Equal Opportunity Schools began our partnership with the city of Chicago District 299 in the fall of 2017 with six public schools. We have since grown to 45 schools and a total of five cohorts.

Despite a global pandemic, remote learning, and racial tensions throughout the nation, schools have persevered in the work of breaking down barriers to increase access, belonging, and success in rigorous college and career-prep secondary school courses for underserved and under represented students.

51% AP participation

51% AP participation rate in Cohort 1 had an increase of 29% after partnering with EOS. 

53% of Cohort 2 passed

53% of Cohort 2 passed at least one AP class. A 10% increase compared to the year prior. 

56% of students

56% of students within this cohort had passed at least one advanced course. A 7% increase from years prior. 
EOS began our partnership with Gwinnett County Public Schools during the 2022-2023 school year by serving South Gwinnett and Shiloh high Schools. We were able to identify over 2,000 10th and 11th grade students who currently possess the academic ability, mindsets and skills to gain access to and be successful in advanced courses. 

80% of students

in GCPS aspire to go to college

but GPCS staff Estmate 62%

only want to do so

a gap of 18%

Increase student access, belonging and success in college and career-prep courses with EOS

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