Professional learning & development for staff

Support professional development for teaching and counseling staff that helps enhance efficacy, career growth and retention.

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Partner with EOS to help coach,
mentor and develop staff

With a national teacher shortage and high burdens on teaching staff, administrators are
emphasizing professional development to support and retain staff.
EOS augments our insights and data tools with coaching and program facilitation solutions that help to:

1. Develop classroom environments where all students can thrive
2. Enable more teachers & counselors to become trusted adults
3. Improve and enhance student belonging

Developing classroom environments where all students can thrive

When students feel more engaged in school and their community they perform better.  
Our work gives teachers and counselors tools and culturally relevant strategies that help them create classroom environments that engage, support and uplift every learner.

  • Dedicated partnerships staff are an ongoing source of information and coaching to extend the great work principals, teachers and counselors are doing.
  • Facilitated site visits and EOS training tools help teachers analyze and understand enrollment barriers, and develop more effective outreach methods.
  • EOS also delivers specialized, subject-specific training including our new A4E in History & Government program.

Enable more teachers & counselors to become trusted adults

The teachers who have the biggest impact on students are the ones who guide and encourage them to discover and pursue their passions.

These Trusted Adults play a critical role in students’ lives and most students can point to the people in school who set them on a path to post-secondary success.
The EOS model helps schools to identify and empower as many trusted adults as possible by:

Improve and enhance
student belonging

Positive school environments where students have a sense of belonging can be transformative for students.

Equal Opportunity Schools helps to amplify existing district and school efforts to create more engaging, inclusive environments for all students.

  • Student and staff insights via our survey showcase opportunities to improve and enhance belonging on school campuses and in classrooms.
  • In-person and remote staff training sparks meaningful dialogue and encourages actionable changes that positively impact student belonging.
  • Ongoing coaching and program facilitation helps to develop educator practices that strengthen and sustain shifts in school culture.

As a school, some of the most important work we do involves removing barriers and providing rigorous opportunities to all students. EOS has created a system that helps school teams collect data, connect students and staff, and provide the resources to help make this happen.

Dan Hartley, Principal – Bloomfield Hills High School (MI)

Discover how district and school partners
are driving results with Equal Opportunity Schools

Prince William County

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Chicago Public Schools

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Gwinnett County Public Schools

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Increase student
enrollment in
advanced courses

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Increase advanced
course participation

See, understand and unlock hidden potential for rigorous coursework

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development for staff

Support teacher & counseling
staff professional development.

Develop Human Resources