Teachers: Accelerate student outcomes, get tools to support your growth

Access valuable tools to help support your students and your own growth.

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Use EOS to support the life-changing work you do

As a teacher you do some of the nation’s most important work, helping to shape students
into productive leaders and workers of the future.   
Everyday your critical work includes:

• Keeping students positively engaged in the classroom 
• Nurturing students toward their postsecondary aspirations 
• Developing your own skills as a student advocate and mentor

Keeping students positively engaged in the classroom

States around the country are asking school superintendents and administrators to help produce the workforce of the future by delivering more students into college, vocational jobs or professional career tracks. 

As a teacher, you focus on building classroom environments that engage students. EOS helps you develop students’ growth mindsets and create classroom environments that are inclusive and engaging.

  • Use Student Insight Cards to understand your students’ goals, aspirations and needs better.
  • EOS facilitators provide training that helps you better understand and address barriers to access and opportunity.
  • Learn ways to deliver more tailored student outreach and consistently be a Trusted Adult. 

Nurturing students
toward their
postsecondary aspirations

Steering students toward better outcomes after high school is where public school teachers shine. EOS helps you deliver on this goal by:

  • Providing insights that help you identify more potential students for rigorous coursework.(hyperlink to coaching and program facilitation)
  • Delivering coaching, training and partnership to help you address barriers to advanced course enrollment (hyperlink to trusted adults page or video)
  • Enabling ongoing assessment of student readiness and support on student outreach plans

Developing your own skills as a student advocate and mentor

Your journey as a teacher includes developing your skills as an effective classroom instructor, mentor for students and leader. EOS helps by:

  • Providing training that helps you enhance classroom environments to engage all students
  • Providing insights and tools to help you become a Trusted Adult for more students and help increase participation in advanced coursework

Discover how district and school partners
are driving results with Equal Opportunity Schools


Increase student
enrollment in
advanced courses

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District Leaders: Unlock potential, improve post-secondary outcomes

Deploy a powerful solution that helps achieve key district goals

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Counselors: Support student aspirations and goal achievement.

Get data, tools and support for your counseling efforts.

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Principals: Enhance school culture, support students & staff

Get powerful tools & support to help deliver on your goals

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