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Equal Opportunity Schools is an innovator in creating partnerships for collective impact. We work collaboratively with leaders in education, technology, philanthropy and nonprofit communities of practice. We are trusted across industries to deliver results for student success.

How Your Gift Helps

$15 helps us identify a new district that is ready to work with EOS to unlock the potential of all of their students
$50 enables us to produce 10 student insight cards, which illuminate their educational aspirations, concerns, and needs to their teachers
$100 ensures that one educator is prepared to carry forward the equity-building work of EOS with their students
$200 helps identify 14 students ready for advanced courses but not currently enrolled


EOS is transforming districts in 24 states.

EOS is transforming districts in 24 states. We aim to be working with 1,000 schools by 2025.

You could launch change in your state’s classrooms with your donation today.

I have learned why it is important to do well in school to be prepared for college...l am glad I took AP. I found myself signing up for an AP course this year, which I never thought I would do.

Elliana, 11th Grade

I'm glad I took an AP class because I got to meet new people from different countries. I met a girl from Cuba and another one from the Dominican Republic. And you just learn about different cultures and it's very interesting. You work together on group projects and it helps you understand it better.If you don't get something, maybe your partner gets it and then share ideas.

Catalina, student

I've accomplished things this year that I never thought I could. The truth is that not many people get the chance to move up-Equal Opportunity Schools has given me the chanc a lifetime.

Carl, Student

If the above payment options aren’t preferred, you can always mail us a check.

Please send your generous donation to:

Equal Opportunity Schools
5601 6th Avenue South, Suite #258
Seattle, WA 98108
EIN #37-1609659

Do you have a question regarding your check/donation?
We’d be happy to help. Please email us:

You can give with confidence with Equal Opportunity Schools. We are proud to have top ratings from Charity Navigator and Guidestar. Our work clearly aligns with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities.
