Back to School with Hope — And Innovation

August 29, 2024

Jacqueline Greer, Vice President of Programs and Partnerships

Welcome back to school!  

Classrooms across the country are full of hope and promise as students begin a new year.  

As a student, I eagerly anticipated returning to school, acing my classes, reading new books – and making new friends along the way. School was a haven for me where I could focus on expanding my knowledge, being fully seen, and thriving. Most importantly, I was excited to meet my teachers. I wanted to see who would truly challenge me, as opposed to leaving me largely to my own devices as a “smart” kid in class.  

My story is a familiar one. However, I knew that my parents and their tireless advocacy on my behalf had been instrumental in setting me on a rigorous path to college. Thanks to them (as well as my brain and penchant for memorization) I received a full college scholarship, and my three younger brothers followed in my footsteps.  

Unfortunately, so many more students didn’t get the rigor, the push, the support, and chances that we did. These missed opportunities are what continually fuels my work at EOS.  

Every day, our team works tirelessly to ensure that gates are opened to high-potential students in their pursuit of access. In our research, we have found that over 80% of the more than two million students we survey are interested in a two or four-year degree. Beyond that, they know that if just one adult, who they deeply trust, helps them along the way, their rates of success are much higher.  

Our research shows that 90% of students of color in advanced coursework have a trusted adult – a key differentiator. Trust and belonging are core areas of our research, as cultivating them in classrooms directly leads to student success.  

I am very excited about several new innovations at EOS this year, which will help us expand our impact in our partner schools.  

On September 1st, we’ll launch our new portal experience that has been redesigned from the ground up.  It will deliver improved user experience, simplified paths to outreach tools, plus easier access to and more control of your data.  

We are also piloting our model in select middle schools this year, using our survey tools to provide insights and actionable pathways to support the academic aspirations of 6th to 8th graders. 

We are continuing to develop professional learning with AP teachers to help them build belonging-rich classroom environments, including AP History and Government teachers under a federal grant. Programs like this also provide us news ways to listen to and learn from our district partners.

As we embark on this new school year, we are committed to bringing our knowledge to each school and district partner. We also know that, with the help of our valued partners, we will add thousands of students into rigorous classes this year and increase their chances of pursuing the dreams they have shared with us.  

Our team at EOS appreciates your support this year as we change minds – and change lives.  

In Partnership,  

Jacqueline Greer